We previously discussed about Conditionals. Today, we are releasing support for hierarchical nodes with conditions (having rules) connecting individual steps. We currently support the following rules:
- Aggregation Queries on top of timeseries metrics data
- Row count / column value evaluation for Tabular data
- Coming soon: Regex matching on strings

Going forward, all activity done within PlayBooks is logged in the platform for quick reference. Here are the scenarios where it can be helpful:
- During incidents: Quick sharing of investigated data with team members without having to re-check.
- Post incidents: Reference to data from the duration of an incident/investigation.
- Audit: Both automated as well as manually run executions will be available -- ensuring that you are aware which user / bot has accessed which data through the platform.
- Note: Executions done while creating or editing a playbook are not persisted currently.
- PlayBook architecture -- Support for sequential tasks with if/else blocks required upgrading the definition to support parent-child relationships within a PlayBook definition.
- Workflow revamp -- Uncoupling of the backend of workflow into 3 independent components (Triggers, PlayBook Executions, Actions). This project was picked to enable accelerated contribution of new integrations into the code. (Read this doc to learn more about how workflows work).
- GKE: Fetching events, deployments & log information from your k8s clusters hosted using GKE.
- MS Teams: Send notification of playbook run into your Microsoft Teams' channels.
- Addition of the Timeline view for user for quick sequential investigation.
- Hyperlinking every data source addition page to connector page.
- Auto-fetching the hostname of the PlayBooks server (reducing the need to manually enter it during Slack integration)
- Slack -- Updated the permissions in manifest to support for private channels.
- Remote server: Now add multiple hosts against one PEM key, making it easier to add multiple integrations from one config.
- Deployment: Docker image multiple-chip support Apple / Intel.
- Integrations: Slack -- Bugfix to select the active Slack connector instead of first active/inactive connector.
- UI: External links & Notes visibility bug fix.
- Edit names of existing playbook: Previously, it was creating a copy with new name after playbook name edit.
- Global Variable context -- from workflow to Playbooks.
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