
Deeper Integrations within self-hosted observability, remove gating

In this cycle, we focused on adding integrations with Kubernetes hosted with EKS within teams and self-hosted Grafana instances behind VPCs. We also emphasised on the website performance:


Upgrade on Playbook performance & Integrations

In this changelog, we discuss the 3 new added integrations, a Sandbox (which can be accessed without login) and slack integration to enable auto-trigger of a playbook.


More integrations & sample playbooks

This changelog mentions newly added integrations (Cloudwatch Logs, Clickhouse DB) and sample playbooks as well as improvements to playbook metadata loading time and upgrades.


On-Call playbooks Activated

In the last two weeks, key updates include the launch of On-Call Playbooks with metadata integrations for New Relic, Datadog, Cloudwatch, and Grafana, as well as executions for Cloudwatch Metrics, Cloudwatch Logs, and Grafana Panels. Additionally, an Alert Insights Slack App has been submitted for Directory Publishing.


Datadog integration LIVE & beta launch of Playbooks

The team achieved milestones including going live on Datadog Integrations and launching a private beta of Playbooks for faster issue investigation. They also integrated and supported Coralogix alerts on the Alert Insights dashboard.


A sprint full of Machine Learning and integrations

In the last 2 weeks, new features were launched including Google Chat integration, deeper integrations with monitoring tools, a Datadog integrations plugin, and alert enrichment for Datadog. Personalization was also added to the User Experience.


Alert Insights GA + Cancelling Playbooks

In this release, we discuss updates on the alert insights bot, including transitioning to a Native UI, upgrading the backend, adding intelligence for surfacing relevant insights, and new integrations with Google Chat Spaces and Sentry. The decision was made to not move forward with the playbooks feature, instead focusing on intelligent auto-diagnosis algorithms, API-first data fetching, and notification-led delivery.


Playbook generation v0.1

This changelog summarizes a concept prototyping tool that helps engineering teams automate investigations by writing playbooks in YAML format, connecting with Datadog, Cloudwatch, and New Relic APIs, and providing analysis on dashboards and Slack messages.


Alerts Insights updation

In this release, we added new features to Alert Insights including auto-identifying tags from alerts, mapping alerts to their sources, and real-time report updates.


Alerts-Insights v0.1

Summary: Before December 13th, integrations with various tools were implemented, charts were published as images, and 1-click data fetching was enabled. On December 13th, a streamlit app with aggregate insights at a channel level was published. On December 14th, the structure was changed, an option to remove specific alerts was added, the dashboard was consolidated into a single file, and integration with Google Chats was added.