v1.4.1 -- Context Propagation, kubectl support and UX Upgrade
8 months ago by Siddarth Jain

This recent release cycle (v1.3.13 and v1.4.1) have some significant upgrades to the platform:
- Context propagation: Capability to auto-extract relevant keywords from an alert and inject them as variables in any command / playbook task.
- kubectl commands: Run kubectl commands on your kubernetes containers in AWS / GCP or your self-managed k8s from PlayBooks now.
- Google Cloud Monitoring integration: Fetch metrics and logs from Google Cloud monitoring from within playbook task.
- Remote Server Authentication: Support for different remote server key types and authentication via PEM, PEM+Passphrase, username+password
New Features:
- Context propagation: Capability to auto-extract relevant keywords from an alert and inject them as variables in any command / playbook task.
- Heterogeneous tasks: Now add different tasks within a single step. This will be a significant upgrade while creating conditions as output of different tools can now be combined and used while evaluating conditions.
Integrations added:
- Logs from Google Cloud
- Metrics from Google Cloud
- kubectl commands (self-serve, GKE, EKS)
- Support for different key types and authentication via PEM, PEM+Passphrase, username+password
Conditions added:
- Grep conditions
Upgrades to UI
- Making Notes readable over hover
- A WYSIWYG editor
- Update to timerange selector
- Timeline cards now include notes and external links.
- Added search functionalities and advanced search text features in the UI.
Deployment practices
- Image versioning and build timestamp environment variables in Docker context.
- Added github workflows for automatic deployment on Coruscant and Sandbox environments.
- General bug fixes in pattern matching and edge index issues.
- Resolved issues in workflow and logs UI for better clarity on task execution logs.
- Typo fixes and minor text corrections across various modules.
- Environment variable missing issue resolved.
- Fixed search-engine ordering and enabled proper filtering.
- Resolved issues related to settings pop-up message.
- Removed old log assets from asset management.
- Removed validations from test connection feature for optimization.