Alerts & Actions
Alerts are generated each time a rule is violated within a transaction. You can choose to receive them in a workspace of your choice:
S.No | Tool | Capabilities | Status |
1 | Slack | Alert | LIVE |
2 | Alert | LIVE | |
3 | Pagerduty | Alert | Private Beta |
4 | Jira | Action | Private Beta |
5 | Custom webhooks | Action | Private Beta |
Receive alerts when your events aren't following a predefined pattern. These patterns are intuitively configurable within Doctor Droid's interface using transactions & triggers.
Slack Alerts
You need to configure a webhook URL for a specific channel in your workspace and set it within a trigger. If you have already set it before in some other trigger, we'll use that for all triggers, unless you want to specify something particular URL for a trigger. Here is a youtube video that explains how to create a slack webhook URL.
We are working on adding more alerting channels in the coming months as well as introduce more type triggers to be setup to support complex monitoring needs for modern products. If you want to know more about our roadmap or want to request for something specific, do share it with us here.

A typical Doctor Droid Slack alert
It tells you the following:
- The transaction and the trigger that caused the alert
- The trigger details of the reason behind alert generation with the context of what order, customer or transaction is impacted
- The time when this alert got triggered (just in case the notification gets delayed at Slack's end)
- The link to see more details on the Doctor Droid portal. That will give summary of what events got missed or delayed.
Email Alerts
We send you an email as an alert on the registered email of your account. You can choose to specify a different one for a trigger as well.
Alerts on the platform
Alerts sent on Slack / Email have link to its details page from Doctor Droid portal which is accessible behind login. This image from a sample alert shows that the alert is due to the secondary event missing in the Sample Monitor and specified the Key for the first event. This helps you to quickly know the context for which this miss happened.

Updated 12 days ago