Clickhouse Database


Step 1: Go to Integrations > Clickhouse in the Playbooks platform.

Step 2: Enter your database connection details. (database host, port, and credentials (username and password))

Note: When you fill in the host, you do not need to add https://.

Step 3: Testing the Integration: Create a playbook that includes a step to run a simple SELECT query against your Clickhouse database and verify the results are fetched correctly.


After adding Clickhouse DB as a connection, you can do the following:

  • Run a query on Clickhouse DB.

How to limit access to select tables/DBs within Playbooks?

To restrict permissions to the users accessing Clickhouse via Playbooks, we recommend using roles that are relevant for

Create a new user:

CREATE USER 'new_user_name' IDENTIFIED BY '%9v3vdsboq3v5Nyn5I';

Give required permissions to the user:

GRANT SELECT ON db_name.table_name TO 'new_user_name';

Verify permissions granted:

SELECT \* FROM system.grants WHERE user_name = 'new_user_name';