This document covers the details on how you can link your Amplitude account and start sending amplitude events to Doctor Droid using AWS Kinesis Firehose Delivery streams.

  1. In Amplitude Data, click Catalog and select the Destinations tab
  2. In the Warehouse Destination section, click Kinesis Data Firehose
  3. Enter a sync name, then click Create Sync
  4. Click Edit, then enter the AWS region, stream name and role name. These will be provided by Doctor Droid team over email for you.
  5. Use the Send events filter to select the events you want to send. You can send all events, but Amplitude recommends choosing the most important ones
  6. When finished, enable the destination and save.

Since this connector is in Beta, we will get on a call with you to convert your events into a format that Doctor Droid understands. Within a few months, this transformation should be configurable by you on the platform itself.