Query Existing Grafana Data Sources

To connect your Grafana account to Playbooks, the step vary basis the version of Grafana that you are using.

For version 9.1 and above:

  1. Prerequisites: Ensure you have admin access to your Grafana instance and the ability to generate Service Accounts.

  2. Create Service Account: In your Grafana dashboard, navigate to Admin >> Users & Access >> Service Accounts >> Create a Service Account

  3. Generate Service Account Key: Within Service Account, create a new API key/token with Viewer permissions.

  4. Configuring Connection in Playbooks: Go to Integrations > Grafana in the Playbooks platform. Enter your Grafana instance URL and the API key you generated.

  5. Testing the Integration: Test the connection and save the credentials.

Note: If you are using an older version of Grafana, you will be able to create an API key instead of Service Account key. Additionally, after 9.1, Grafana introduced a few breaking changes so please connect with us in case any of your functionalities are not working as expected.


Post the successful integration, the platform will programmatically start fetching metadata from Grafana. This includes a list of data sources that are already within the Grafana platform.