
Using the Github connector, you can:

(a) Fetch recent commits

(b) Edit and push a change to a config file


We recommend using the Fine-grained personal access tokens to connect your Github account to our platform.

The permissions required would be as follows:

(a) Fetch recent commits:Contents:read

(b) Push changes to a file: Contents:write, Workflows:write


  1. Fetch Recent Commits: This task requires, owner, repo , file_path and a function_name as the input. The task then goes into your repo, looking for the changes in these functions / files and reverts with the list of related commits (in order of recency)
  2. Edit & Push Changes: This task requires, owner, repo and file_path as the input. It will then display the file in the UI. You can edit the file and save the change. It will automatically push it against a new branch_name that you enter.