Integration Guides

Connecting Doctor Droid with Your Data Sources

Doctor Droid supports a wide range of integrations, including log search engines, databases, and monitoring services, enabling you to create powerful and customized playbooks.

This section provides step-by-step guides to help you connect Doctor Droid with various data sources, ensuring a smooth setup process.

S. No.SourceCapabilities
1AWS CloudwatchLog Insights ✅
Metrics ✅
Dashboards ⏳
2DatadogApplication Metrics ✅
Infrastructure Metrics ✅
Custom Metrics ✅
Dashboards ✅
Services ✅
Deployment Information ⏳
Logs ⏳
3New RelicApplication Metrics ✅
Infrastructure Metrics ✅
Custom Metrics ✅
Dashboards ✅
Services ✅
Deployment Information ⏳
Logs ⏳
4Prometheus (Via Grafana)Dashboards ✅
Panels ✅
Custom Query ✅
5ClickhouseSQL Query ✅
6Stack Driver (GCP Monitoring)Logs ⏳
Metrics ⏳
Dashboards ⏳
7Elastic SearchLucene Query ⏳
8SentryError Search ⏳
Performance Monitoring ⏳
9HoneybadgerError Search ⏳
10MySQL / PostgresQuery ✅
11Webhook triggers

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