Fetch Metrics

Within Playbooks, different types of metric sources can be queried, and in multiple ways. Read more about the different types of metrics & configurations we allow, below:

  1. AWS Cloudwatch Metrics Query:
    1. Fetch any of the metrics present within Cloudwatch.
    2. Define specific metric basis Namespace, Region, Dimensions and/or MetricName.
  2. Fetch PromQL metric queries from existing Grafana Dashboards:
    1. Fetch data from your existing Dashboards in Grafana.
    2. Extract query from within a panel and re-use it in Playbooks.
    3. Variables: Extract possible variable values for var_name in case $var_name exists within the Query. This dropdown is also fetched from existing Grafana configuration.
    4. Custom Query: String access to the query in case you want to make tweaks to the query.
  3. Fetch metrics from Google Cloud Monitoring:
  4. Run a query on Mimir:
  5. Run a query on VictoriaMetrics:
  6. Datadog:
    1. Fetch metric for any custom query.
    2. Fetch golden signals mapped to any of the services.
    3. Fetch panels from custom dashboards into Playbooks.
      Note: In case you have any out of the box dashboards (provided by Datadog), the Datadog connector is not able to fetch that data.
  7. New Relic:
    1. Directly select a query that you are currently tracking in any New Relic widget.
    2. Select Golden Signals of any of the services (entities of type Application).
    3. Run any custom NRQL.