Okta Integration
Create an Okta app
From the Okta Admin Console, select Create App Integration from the Applications menu.
For Sign-in method, select OIDC - OpenID Connect.
For Application type, select Single Page App and click Next.
Configure New Single App Integration Operations:
App integration name: Choose a name for the app.
Grant type: Select Authorization Code and Refresh Token.
Sign-in redirect URIs: Replace the default setting with the Grafana Cloud Okta path, replacing <YOUR_HOST> with the value of your host name: https://<YOUR_HOST>/oauth/callback/okta.
Make a note of the following:
- ClientID
- Okta Domain
Set env variables OKTA_DOMAIN and OKTA_CLIENT_ID
OKTA_DOMAIN='<domain>' OKTA_CLIENT_ID='<client id>' docker-compose -f deploy.docker-compose.yaml up -d
Updated 18 days ago