What is Doctor Droid?

At Doctor Droid, we are building tools to help teams solve challenges in their monitoring & observability. Here are some of the tools that are LIVE today:

  1. Playbooks: A tool that makes it faster to investigate any production issue. Define "runbooks" or "investigation strategies" that can auto-investigate metrics & logs data from different platforms.
  2. Kenobi: An events Lakehouse designed to track real-time metrics and setup alerts on them.

Apart from these, we have also created mini-tools that provide you with instant value:

  1. Alert Insights Slack bot: A tool that assess your existing alerting setup and provides recommendations on how to improve the actionability and quality of alerts received by your engineering team.
  2. FunForDevs: Not a tool. Just a set of fun crosswords designed for developers.

How PlayBooks came about:

In our previous jobs, we were at a food delivery startup in India with a busy on-call routine for backend & devops engineers and a small tech team. Often business impacting issues (e.g. orders dropped by >5% in the last 15 minutes) would escalate to Dipesh as he was the lead dev who had been around for a while and he always had 4-5 hypotheses on what might have failed. To avoid becoming the bottleneck, he used to write scripts that fetched custom metrics & order related application logs every 5 minutes during peak traffic. So if an issue was reported, engineers would check the output of those scripts with all the usual suspects first, before diving into a generic exploration. This was the inspiration to get started on PlayBooks.

We’ve put together a platform that can help any dev create scripts with flexibility and without requiring to code much.