Workflow Views
NOTE: This is a beta feature, undergoing fast iterations and documents might be outdated. You might have a better visibility from changelogs. Or directly message our team if you have any further queries.
The Workflow builder is being designed to help you bring together metrics from different dashboards and even sources, into a single dashboard. For example, look at the visualisation below. In this visualisation:
- You are tracking product metrics related to the payment funnel
- Monitoring API latencies & error % for critical APIs

Creating a workflow
Creating a workflow means you need to have metrics defined before you can actually plot them. This could be:
- Metrics defined within Doctor Droid platform
- Connections established with 3rd party integration sources
Currently for workflow views, only the following metric sources are enabled:
Post connecting to other metric sources, to create a workflow, simply write the JSON in the following format:
"compare_to": "enter_past_comparison_time_here", // 1h, 1d, 1w, 1mo
"nodes": [
"name": "node_name_here",
"metrics": [
"name": "metric_name",
"source": "source_name", // Allowed Sources: Datadog, Sentry, Dr-Droid
"expr": "expression" //As per the specific source guidelines
"name": "metric_name_2",
"source": "source_name_2", // Allowed Sources: Datadog, Sentry, Dr-Droid
"expr": "expression_2" //As per the specific source guidelines
"name": "node_name_2",
"metrics": [
"name": "metric_name_2a",
"source": "source_name_2a", // Allowed Sources: Datadog, Sentry, Dr-Droid
"expr": "expression_2a" //As per the specific source guidelines
"name": "metric_name_2b",
"source": "source_name_2b", // Allowed Sources: Datadog, Sentry, Dr-Droid
"expr": "expression_2b" //As per the specific source guidelines
Sample Output:

Configuration for Sample Output:
"compare_to": "1d",
"nodes": [
"name": "ingestion API",
"metrics": [
"name": "Hits",
"expr": "sum:trace.django.request.hits{env:prod,service:ingest}.as_count()"
"name": "Errors",
"expr": "sum:trace.django.request.errors{env:prod,service:ingest}.as_count()"
"name": "Avg Latency",
"expr": "avg:trace.django.request{env:prod,service:ingest}"
"name": "Raw",
"metrics": [
"name": "Hits",
"expr": "sum:trace.kafka_consumer.raw_events.consume_msgs.hits{env:prod,service:raw-events-consumer-ingest}.as_count()"
"name": "Avg Latency",
"expr": "avg:trace.kafka_consumer.raw_events.consume_msgs{env:prod,service:raw-events-consumer-ingest}"
"name": "Processed",
"metrics": [
"name": "Hits",
"expr": "sum:trace.kafka_consumer.processed_events.consume_msgs.hits{env:prod,service:processed-events-clickhouse-consumer-ingest}.as_count()"
Updated 12 days ago