Using Doctor Droid Playbooks, you can send notifications with investigation summary in response to ZenDuty incident creations as notes, for example
To make this functionality work, we will be using Zenduty "Outgoing Webhooks" feature.
- The workflow is currently supporting only "triggered" webhook events.
Here are the steps to follow to receive the playbook summary directly into ZenDuty:
Step 1: Set up ZenDuty as a Data Source
- Get the API key from Zenduty. Here is how to do that.
- Add this to the Doctor Droid Integrations Page.
Step 2: Create a Webhook for Your Service
Here is how to do this.
Step 3: Set up the Workflow for ZenDuty trigger type
- In the trigger type drop-down select ZenDuty as the trigger type.
- Set the Service name and the Title of the Incident you want to trigger this webhook for.
- You will get a URL for a webhook. This is what needs to be put in the ZenDuty webhook configuration page.
- Enter the Service name of your ZenDuty service where the webhook is configured.
- Enter the incident title that you want to trigger the workflow for in the Title field.
- Select your Playbook.
Step 4: Set Up Notification Workflow
- Select "Send a note to ZenDuty Incident" as the notification channel while setting up your Workflow.
- Click on Save.
Step 3: Receive Playbook Summary
When an incident is triggered for the service with the webhook configured, you will receive a notification in ZenDuty notes for that specific incident. The notification will include a link to the specific playbook or workflow summary.
ZenDuty webhooks support the inclusion of links in notes. You will receive a link of your Playbook summary, this will allow you to open and review the playbook summary instantly.
By following these steps, you can ensure that the relevant playbook or workflow summaries are automatically sent to ZenDuty, keeping your team informed and ready to respond effectively to incidents.
Updated 9 days ago