
What are monitors?

Monitors are joins you define on between two events.

To define a monitor, you choose two events from the set of events you have been sending. We'll call them E1 & E2. You join those events together by selecting the common key between the two.

Unique Properties of a Monitor:

Compared to individual events, here are some properties, unique to a monitor:

  1. Monitor time: The time to go from primary state to secondary state in a monitor.
  2. Monitor status: Active or Finished, depending on whether it has reached the terminal state or not.
  3. Monitor triggers: Rule-based alert configured on the Monitor time, status or any other attribute associated with the Monitor

What can you do with Monitors?

Once you define a Monitor, here are some out-of-the-box capabilities that we provide:

  1. Alert rules on monitor success rate:
    You can configure triggers on monitor success/failure rates, at both aggregate levels as well as individual monitor. Read more about triggers and their details here.
  2. Track metrics related to the monitor and any of its associated attributes:
  1. Filter monitor:
    1. What are the currently active monitors?
    2. Search monitors by any variable, irrespective of whether they are in the primary event or secondary event

To get started with setting up a monitor, click here.