In this release, we have launched a Metrics Explorer -- a way to visualize the events sent to Dr. Droid platform.

Additionally, for every metric, you can:

  • Group by any of the variables, or multiple variables
    In case of grouping by multiple variables, it will turn into a non-timeseries table for the time duration selected.
  • Aggregate by multiple types, including but not limited to SUM, Count, AVG.

This week, we are adding entities to the platform. An entity helps you define product goals and track intermediate steps proactively. You can consider them like a business trace or business object.

Creating an entity

While creating an entity, you can select any number of events that could be relevant in context of your product workflow. For e.g., the below sample shows how an entity related to a payment has been created.

Monitoring an entity

Our platform automatically creates any trigger rules created on any of the events within an entity. What it means is that, as soon as you create an entity, you are already able to see the health of these entities, out-of-the-box.

For instance, in this below example, there were two rules created to monitor "wallet-api-failing" and "bank-server-unresponsive" already.

They are automatically correlated with the entity, hence giving a very simple way to debug or track an issue associated with a critical flow.

While we do have SDKs and APIs, we realised that some of you are already generating events for critical checkpoints. To stream this data into Doctor Droid, we have launched connectors with the following sources:

  • SQS, AWS Kinesis: To forward events from your existing event buses
  • Segment: To imports events from teams using Segment to route events
  • Cloudwatch logs: To import existing logs
  • Sentry: To import error messages and correlate them with other events on Doctor Droid

To read more about specifics of implementations, checkout our docs or blog.

Additional releases:

  • Capability to filter events basis attribute properties.
  • Automated metric visualisations for individual events.
    A dashboard with auto-generated metrics for any event created in the system.

This week, we are adding Triggers functionality into our product — a feature that enables proactive tracking of transactions.

In our earlier version, we mandated users to setup alerting rules while creating a monitor. We received feedback that it commonly happens that you want to track the success rate of a transaction by setting up monitors but you don't want to setup alerts / triggers yet.

Hence, triggers.

Here's an example of a simple trigger that we have setup.

Explainer: If in the past 15 minutes (from current time), more than 3% of high value transactions have failed because of a delayed payment webhook response, it is marked as a rule violation and alert is triggered.

Curious to read more? Check out our updated triggers documentation.

Exciting news from Doctor Droid! Recently, we did our first public product demo, at Accel's Developer Community event on observability in Bangalore. Here are some key highlights from our recent release:

  1. The alerting engine now has two upgrades

    1. Capability to set up aggregate events based on specific criteria. (For e.g. if you want alerts for delays in transaction completion for just one of the many banking partners)
    2. Define whether you want to exclude incomplete transactions (missing secondary events) or include them while measuring the latency.
  2. Slack notifications now include context on the transaction IDs for which it was left incomplete

  3. Capability to view all events & alerts on dedicated pages

Today, we're excited to announce the first release of Doctor Droid! With this feature release, we introduce the capability to sign up, generate API keys, send events using the API or Python SDK, and more. Here are the key features included in this version:

  1. API Integration: Sign up, generate your API key, and send events to Doctor Droid using our API. Check out our integration guide here.
  2. Python SDK Support: Use our Python SDK to easily send events to Doctor Droid.
  3. Transaction Monitoring: Create a monitor to track asynchronous transactions using two independently sent events with a common key. See our monitor guide here.
  4. In addition, we've added the ability to set up alerts to notify you of potential issues, including:
    1. Pending Transaction Alert: Get a notification if a transaction is stuck in the pending state for more than a specified duration.
    2. Latency Alert: Receive an alert if the time it takes to complete a transaction is increasing.

Launch Demo Video

Product demo starts at 0:26s


  • An "event" represents a step or a change which alters the state of an object and can be linked to that object using an identifier such as an order ID or transaction ID. For more details, please see our event definition guide.
  • A "transaction" is composed of two or more events for an object and are linked using the object ID. It is complete when all of the events are completed.

For more information, please refer to our monitor documentation here.

Thank you for choosing Doctor Droid!