Context Injection

Note: This feature is primarily designed to help you extract critical key-value pairs from a Slack alert and inject them into an investigation playbook that is executed during a workflow run.

A transformer function can be written (is equivalent of a lambda function) that will parse your alert and extract relevant key-value pairs from it. These key value pairs can then be injected within a playbook during it's run.

Instructions while writing a transformer function:

  • Function must be named transform
  • Input variable will be dictionary (in this case, it'll be the payload of Slack message)
  • Output of the function must be a dictionary
  • All import commands can be written within the function at it's start.
def transform(context):
  import json
  import re
  out = {}
  def extract_service_name(json_data):
      # Convert JSON object to string
      json_string = json.dumps(json_data)
      # Search for the pattern "service:{service_name}"
      match ='service:(\w+)', json_string)
      # If pattern is found, return the service name
      if match:
          return ''
  service_name = extract_service_name(context)
  out['service_name'] = service_name
  return out
def transform(context):
  out = {}
  for k in context.keys():
    out[k] = str(context[k]) + "-a"
  return out

Let's take a sample alert received:

Here's the Slack JSON & it's output basis the above transform() function:

  "event": {
    "text": "",
    "app_id": "AR28NTK5M",
    "type": "message",
    "metadata": {
      "event_type": "monitor_thread",
      "event_payload": {
        "bits_monitor_info": {
          "event_id": "7673797852050212359",
          "is_enabled": false,
          "hotdog": null
        "event_id": 7673797852050213000,
        "org_id": 945984,
        "event_ts": 1721656861000,
        "monitor_id": 141878267
    "channel_type": "channel",
    "event_ts": "1721656862.958529",
    "attachments": [
        "text": "latency was more than 1s on average in last 15 minutes.\n @slack-testspace3-sandbox-alerts\n\nTest notification triggered by <|>.\n\ntrace.clickhouse.query over env:prod,service:clickhousedb was &gt; 1.0 on average during the last 15m.\n\nMetric value: 0.0",
        "title_link": "",
        "id": 1,
        "fallback": "Triggered: [TEST] `clickhousedb` latency was more than 1s on average in last 15 minutes",
        "image_height": 185,
        "image_url": "",
        "fields": [
            "title": "Notified",
            "short": true,
            "value": "@slack-testspace3-sandbox-alerts"
        "title": "Triggered: [TEST] `clickhousedb` latency was more than 1s on average in last 15 minutes",
        "mrkdwn_in": [
        "image_width": 431,
        "color": "a30200",
        "image_bytes": 15057
    "bot_profile": {
      "name": "Datadog",
      "app_id": "AR28NTK5M",
      "icons": {
        "image_36": "",
        "image_48": "",
        "image_72": ""
      "team_id": "T068A0EHN79",
      "id": "B06AM27CLQ6",
      "updated": 1712819434,
      "deleted": false
    "ts": "1721656862.958529",
    "user": "U06AW4VR2DA",
    "channel": "C076LUZQBC7",
    "team": "T068A0EHN79",
    "bot_id": "B06AM27CLQ6"
  "type": "event_callback",
  "api_app_id": "A071E0RUH71",
  "is_ext_shared_channel": false,
  "token": "Ei2euFvJ4yCyIVCYRD5AtpsK",
  "event_time": 1721656862,
  "event_context": "4-eyJldCI6Im1lc3NhZ2UiLCJ0aWQiOiJUMDY4QTBFSE43OSIsImFpZCI6IkEwNzFFMFJVSDcxIiwiY2lkIjoiQzA3NkxVWlFCQzcifQ",
  "context_team_id": "T068A0EHN79",
  "authorizations": [
      "team_id": "T068A0EHN79",
      "is_bot": true,
      "user_id": "U072HB0GN00",
      "enterprise_id": null,
      "is_enterprise_install": false
  "context_enterprise_id": null,
  "event_id": "Ev07DGJMUZ98",
  "team_id": "T068A0EHN79"
  "service_name": "clickhousedb"